Check off your Christmas list, win prizes and give back to your community all in one, fun place Black Friday weekend!
Grab your partners and get ready to rope in the Seasons Greetings Shorty Shootout taking place at your local IFA Country Store. Entry fees are just one can of food per team that will be donated to your local area food bank and the fastest times in three age categories will take home great IFA prizes.
Help us give back this holiday season by joining in the fun.
Roping contests will take place at our various IFA Country Store locations Friday, November 25 or Saturday, November 26 between 10am-2pm. Teams may enter and rope at any time. Ropers and teams are welcome to enter multiple times with the appropriate food donation entry fee.
Fri., Nov. 25:
Cedar City, Draper, Ephraim, Provo, Roosevelt & Salina
Sat., Nov. 26:
American Fork, Cortez (CO), Delta, Elko (NV), Farmington (NM), Las Vegas (NV), Logan, Preston (ID), Price, Richfield, Riverton, Salt Lake City, St. George, Tremonton & Vernal

10 & Under
Youth ropers may rope with a partner of any age but only ropers under 10 are eligible for prizes in the age division
First: $25 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner UNDER 10)
Second: $15 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner UNDER 10)
Third: $10 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner UNDER 10)

11 to 18
Both ropers must be within the age limit to compete in the Intermediate age division
First: $50 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)
Second: $30 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)
Third: $20 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)

19 & Over
Both ropers must be within the age limit to compete in the Adult age division
First: $50 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)
Second: $30 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)
Third: $20 IFA Gift Cards (Each Partner)
"Entry Fees" for this roping are a little different thank your average roping contest. Each team is asked to provide one can of non-parishable food that can be donated to a local food bank.
One Food Donation=One TEAM Entry
*Ropers may rope as many times and with as many partners as they like but must provide a food donation for each individual entry. A team's food donation will give the partners three runs. The team will rope all three runs consecutively with the fastest of the three times recorded for prize elligability.

To enter the team must determine a header/heeler and provide a canned food donation before the team ropes. When entering, the team will also be asked to provide an email and phone number that will be used to contact them if the team wins a prize.
Teams must disclose the age of each partner in order to be considered for prizes within the appropriate age division.
Times will start when the heading partner nods and the Shorty Steer is released from the chute. The time will end when the heeling partner's rope is tight on one or both legs. Each team will rope three consecutive times with the fastest of the times recorded for prize elligability.
Legal Catches:
In order to recieve a time, teams must have legal catches on the head and on the heels. any illegal catches and misses will be a no time for the run. Legal catches include: slick horns, half-head and full-head on the head side and one or both legs on the heel side. If the heeler catches one leg a five second penalty will be added to the time. (Watch the video for details on legal catches above)

Smarty is a pioneer of team roping training systems and products. World champion roper, Allan Bach, founded Smarty in 2010 to provide better training and practice tools for team ropers. The Smarty brand continues to evolve and develop the best practice and training systems for ropers of all backgrounds but their vision remains the same: “Inspire a spirit of excellence, based on authenticity, integrity and faith.” Learn More>>
Helping Grow a "Spirit of Excellence" with Smarty Roping
IFA is proud to grow a "Spirit of Excellence" as a certified Smarty Dealer. Smarty provides quality roping training equipment for team, breakaway and calf ropers.
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